Terrazzo Restoration Tampa




This is Joe from SafeDry again. Today’s post is of a terrazzo floor restoration in Tampa. This terrazzo restoration took one day. On a scale of one to ten,the reflection on this terrazzo floor was a ten. We diamond ground this floor wet. It had vinyl glue down tile on it. We used a course metal bond diamond to get into the glue and under years of dirt.

After metal we continued diamond honing and polishing. Make no mistake, I have not started this blog to teach others how to perfect their terrazzo shine. I will show part of what we do and I will show the final finished terrazzo floor.

I always tell readers what we do not do. First. we do not crystallize or recrystallize. We do not do this because we do not need it to get a great shine and I feel our floors need less maintenance then those floors do. We also never put a finish on a floor, unless we feel it is necessary. We never do it without consulting the customer ether. We do not need topical sealers, of finishes to create a great shine. There are some great products for rental  and commercial properties.

Our goal is to make the floor shine on its own, with no enhancers. The job we are showing pictures from in this blog was a gray Portland cement terrazzo. Many times these floors When we were done the customer remarked, “Outstanding,”. The following are the pictures we took from the job,. I hope you enjoy them.Terrazzo Floor TampaTerrazzo Restoration TampaTerrazzo Floor Restoration TampaTerrazzo Restoration TampaWet Terrazzo Polishing TampaTerrazzo PolishingWet Terrazzo PolishingTerrazzoDiamond Polished TerrazzoPolished Terrazzo FloorTerrazzo Restoration TampaReflection off a Terrazzo Floor

Reflection from Restored Terrazzo

Reflection off a fifty year old restored terrazzo floor.

Terrazzo Restoration TampaTerrazzo Shine

Terrazzo Restoration Fort Myers, Sarasota www.SafeDry.com 877-824-0501

Carpet, Tile and Upholstery Cleaning, Terrazzo Restoration SafeDry.com 877-824-0501: Terrazzo Restoration Fort Myers, Sarasota.

Check out this new post for terrazzo restoration Fort Myers Sarasota. We Wanted to show some more of our great pictures of terrazzo restoration.