Terrazzo Restoration Sarasota

Terrazzo Restoration Sarasota

Terrazzo Restoration VeniceCheck out our new terrazzo restoration video starring many of these same floors CLICK HERE

Terrazzo Restoration Sarasota

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Terrazzo Restoration, Cleaning and Repairs in Sarasota

Safe Dry knows that, in Sarasota, terrazzo is king. The people of Sarasota and Florida’s southwest coast understand that when Terrazzo is properly restored it looks great. To have a quality terrazzo installation today would cost at least $30 a square foot. Terrazzo floors are green. When restored they clean easily without harsh chemicals. You need only use neutral cleaners or just plain water. Once terrazzo is restored if properly maintained it will never need replaced. No tile, wood or carpet can make the same claim.

Terrazzo Repairs

We can usually repair terrazzo chips and holes using the original rocks. We keep a lot of different stones on hand for these repairs. We can also repair unsightly cracks. Terrazzo repairs take years to master, so do not trust them to an inexperienced tech.

Safe Dry understands the terrazzo flooring of Sarasota and uses well trained technicians, the best equipment and tooling in the world along with our many years of experience to give you the best results possible.

Terrazzo restoration Venice Bradenton Terrazzo restoration
